Secure Your Legacy
Plan For The Future
Protect Loved Ones
G e o r g i a E s t a t e P l a n n i n g
a n d P r o b a t e F i r m
Our Approach
Walker Law is a boutique estate planning law firm that focuses on a client-centered and partnership approach. Becoming familiar with each client's overall goals and objectives is essential in order to design estate plans which capture their wishes. The creation of an estate plan should not be transactional, but the start of a long-term relationship. The ultimate objective is to ensure families are protected now and for many years to come.
Providing you with a comprehensive estate plan
You are a unique individual with your own wishes, hopes, and dreams, and your estate plan should reflect your intentions. Failing to memorialize your wishes in a comprehensive estate plan with a will or trust results in intestate succession - the state’s best guess at what you would have wanted to be done with your assets and no established plan for the care of your minor children.
You make the call
Sometimes the most loving thing you can do is protect children and other loved ones from themselves. You may want to make sure that your children are financially secure during your lifetime or that your niece’s college education is paid in full. Whatever your goals, a proper estate plan can put provisions in place to make sure your loved ones are provided for, rather than having their inheritance squandered on a Ferrari, seized by a creditor, or given to an ex-spouse during a divorce.
Our Services
Last Will & Testament Planning
Trust Planning
Estate Administration
