Is Your Blended Family Headed for Estate Planning Disaster?
Anitra Walker Anitra Walker

Is Your Blended Family Headed for Estate Planning Disaster?

Estate planning is an essential aspect of ensuring that one's legacy is preserved and distributed according to their wishes. However, the process becomes significantly more complex when dealing with blended families. Blended families, which may include children from previous marriages or relationships, present unique challenges and potential conflicts that require careful navigation. In this comprehensive article, we will delve into the intricacies of estate planning for blended families. 

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The Perils of Joint Property
Anitra Walker Anitra Walker

The Perils of Joint Property

The appeal of joint tenancy is that when one owner dies, the other will automatically inherit the property without it having to go through probate.

That's all well and good, but joint ownership can also cause unintended consequences and complications. And it's worth considering some of these, before deciding that joint ownership is the best way to pass on assets to your heirs.

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The #1 Legal Document Every Adult Needs to Have
Anitra Walker Anitra Walker

The #1 Legal Document Every Adult Needs to Have

This is a great time to be proactive and plan ahead should you or a loved one fall ill. One of the most important and relatively easy things you can do (and should do) is to select a medical agent and have your Advance Healthcare Directive set up. 

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Revocable Trust vs. Irrevocable Trust: Which Is Best for You?
Anitra Walker Anitra Walker

Revocable Trust vs. Irrevocable Trust: Which Is Best for You?

A properly funded trust allows you to avoid probate, minimize taxes, provides organization, maintains control, and provides for yourself and your heirs. In its most simple terms, a trust is a book of instructions wherein you tell your trusted people what to do and when.

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Wills vs. Trusts - A Quick + Simple Reference Guide
Anitra Walker Anitra Walker

Wills vs. Trusts - A Quick + Simple Reference Guide

Confused about the differences between a will and a trust? If so, you are not alone. While it is always wise to contact experts like us, it is also important to understand the basics. Here is a quick and simple reference guide.

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Wills, Trusts, and Dying Intestate - How They Differ
Anitra Walker Anitra Walker

Wills, Trusts, and Dying Intestate - How They Differ

Most people understand that having some sort of an estate plan is a good thing. However, many of us do not take the first steps to get that estate plan in place because we do not understand the nuances between a will and trust – and dying without either.

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Estate Planning - Three Reasons We Run The Other Way
Anitra Walker Anitra Walker

Estate Planning - Three Reasons We Run The Other Way

It can be hard to get motivated about your estate planning; it sounds about as fun as getting a root canal. However, you also probably want to make sure that your loved ones are protected and receive your hard-earned money and property – regardless of whether you have $10 million or $10,000.

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Myths We Tell Ourselves About Estate Planning
Anitra Walker Anitra Walker

Myths We Tell Ourselves About Estate Planning

Estate planning can be a very difficult process. Making the decision to move forward with an estate plan requires us to face the fact that we will not live forever. This thought stops many people in their tracks. Others talk themselves out of seeing a qualified attorney to create an estate plan because of the following common myths.

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